ViReal is a game studio looking closely at Web 3 and was founded in 2021 by 3 USC students. ViReal is dedicated to developing VR/AR and is currently focusing on making virtual social games.

Billboard – Targeting USC Community (Software Used )

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Infographic (Software Used )

Infographic for Social Media and Website
1. What is the task?
Introducing the essential information and features of Star Realms as a home-building game to the audience. Let audiences have a basic understanding of the metaverse, the game, and the brand.
2. What is the goal?
After reading the infographic, the audience will better understand the game and be willing to learn more about the brand and the product.
3. Why do we need this?
Star Realms is a new VR game that allows players social in the metaverse. The game needs more exposure and publicity to get more audiences and potential customers who will purchase the game.
4. Who are we speaking to?
Social media users who have interested in the metaverse and video games. The target audiences also have a certain financial ability to afford VR equipment.
5. What will make them listen to/read our material?
Using visual effects and introducing the metaverse and game’s features to attract the audience’s attention.
6. Where will this story get told?
The story will be told through ViReal’s Reddit channel and Instagram posts.
Social Media Post (Software Used )
Social Media Post
1. What is the task?
Introducing the VR game StarRealm to social media users. The post has included the game’s website link.
2. What is the goal?
Gather people’s interests in VR and the game itself, and attack people to click the link to the game website.
3. Why do we need this?
StarRealm is a new VR game that allows players social in the metaverse. The game needs more exposure and publicity to get more audiences and potential customers who will purchase the game.
4. Who are we speaking to?
Social media users who have interested in the metaverse and video games. The target audiences also have a certain financial ability to afford VR equipment.
5. What will make them listen to/read our material?
Propose the concept of social in VR to get people’s interests. Establishing some outstanding game features to attract people’s curiosity about the game.
6. Where will this story get told?
The story will be told through ViReal’s Reddit channel and Instagram posts.